
Saturday, September 7, 2013

KSSU 2013

assalamualaikum :)

from 26-30 august . , i've joined KSSU in futsal game . . what is KSSU . . ? KSSU stands for Karnival Sukan Siswa UNIKL . . haa . . ni 1st time join KSSU . . sblum2 ni xdpat nk join sbab ad hal2 berbangkit  . . hehehe . . so bila dpat chance join . . pnye la suke . . hehehe . .

yg beznye join KSSU ni cbab dpat knal ngn members from others campus . . n dorg pnye sport spirits are very high . . n till today . , i still feel the adrenaline rush in veins . . hehehe . . semangat tngok dorg lawan . . for our game . , futsal . . wlupn xmenang . . its make us altogether . . like a family . . hmm . . miss dat time when everybody supported each other mse klah penalti at suku akhir . .

so bila da klah . . ktorg still dtg ke UKM (where the event are held) . . supporting other team . . usha mamat tough n main volley pantai . . haa . . yg tu pling bez . . main volley pntai mcm org gler . . klah org yg nk lwan . . hahaha . . our team bole main mcm2 game . . netball . , basketball n volley . . probably even ragbi pn ktorg bole main . . hehehe . . we're not the girlie girls . . hehehe . . xkesah muke burn . . n talk everything without boundaries . . tu yg bhaye ckit . . couch ktorg pn byk kli geleng kpale tngok prangai ktorg . . hehehe . .

ni la tema futsal UNIKL MIMET . . i'm so proud with dis team . .  :)

breakfast before game . . hehehe . . no wonder la lari slow . . mkn byk . . hehehe . .

me with Piqa Lee . . snggup dtg sndri utk join game ni . .

brgmbar dgn medal pnjam . . btw . . congtrate football team UNIKL MIMET . .

from right is me . , Piqa Lee n Zulaika Eyka . . :)

haa . . yg ni before gerak g bangi . . excited sngt dorg ni . . :)

supporting other team . . gler2 . . haha . .  :)

jersey baru . . mine no 10 . .  ^_^

nmpk ketembaman pipi msing2 . . hahaha . .

bab mkn sume suke . .

lepaking . .  :) usha mamat tough . . wooo . .

prctice kjap . . letih cbab excited sngt . . kehkehkeh . .

yeah . . !!! we rules . . !!!

ni la couch ktorg . . amy sailang . . dye pling ske sailang org . . kehkeh . .  :)

nk share video tp tatau nk tekan ap . . hehehe . . mklum . . sy newbie dlm blogging ni . . hikhik . . cer klik montage video for KSSU 2013 ni . . :)

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