
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bunga Telur Murah

Assalammualaikum.. :)

Bunga telur murah sesuai untuk pelbagai jenis majlis.
Harga bunga serendah daripada RM 0.80 hingga RM 1.20.
Material bunga daripada crepe paper. Warna dan design boleh request. It's customized just for you.
Jom whatsapp saya di 017-6865902

Pakej Ready Made
  • Bunga telur 2 layer warna : RM1.20 / pcs
  • Bunga telur 1 layer warna : RM1.00 / pcs

Pakej DIY
  • Bunga telur 2 layer warna : RM 0.90 / pcs
  • Bunga telur 1 layer warna : RM 0.80 / pcs

Pakej ini sesuai untuk mereka yang mahu DIY sendiri bunga telur. Pakej ini mengandungi :
  • Lipatan bunga
  • Reben yang siap dibentuk
  • Lidi
  • Pelilit lidi
  • Net telur
  • Dawai pengikat net telur

Bunga telur ready made warna purple dan biru turqouise. RM1.20 / pcs

Bunga telur ready made warna hijau emerald dan kuning / gold. RM 1.20 / pcs

Bunga telur ready made warna peach dan merah. RM 1.20 / pcs

Bunga telur DIY 1 layer warna. RM 0.80 / pcs

Cheap offers for fluffy bunga telur

Attention to all beautiful bride to be.. Here's an awesome offer for fluffy bunga telur..
Offers start as low as from RM0.90 to RM1.20 per piece. 
Design and color can be choose. It's customized just for you only.
Please whatsapp me at 017-6865902 for orders and info.

DIY package bunga telur

RM 1.20 / pcs

Aku Pelaut

Hohohoho..been a long time since I wrote the last entry in this blog..almost 2 year meh.. -_-"  Dah berhabuk dah blog aku ni..kalau gajah masuk pon boleh sesat..hahaha.. A lot of things has happen since this years..one of the things is aku dah jadi seaman..jyeah..!! memang cita-cita aku selama ni..dulu mase kecik selalu tengok life seaman kat dalam channel Discovery World..now..it's happen to me.. :) While writing this entry, I'm on board pipe lay barge..and guess what ?? Hari Raya Aidilfitri is 3 days from now..huhuhu..beraya kat atas kapal tahun ni..dengan aku sorang je perempuan..tapi takpe..guys kat sini sangat humors and kuat bergosip..so aku tak rasa lonely sangat..ada aje orang yang boleh aku ajak sembang..kurang sikit rasa sayu raya kat sini..

Ni view dari atas ramp enclosure..hahaha..ngular kejap kat sini..

Dah 2 tahun jugak aku keje kat atas kapal ni..banyak yang aku belajar kat sini..most of them bende yang aku x belajar kat universiti dulu..perangai manusia yang macam-macam jenis pon dah aku hadap..dalam masa kerja ni..banyak jugak tempat yang aku dah pergi..contoh macam Labuan dengan Miri..siap bole pergi dating..hahaha..gatal.!!

Dah la..aku nak sambung keje..nanti aku taip entry lagi..  -_-

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mr. Tupai Mucuxs

this story is almost 3 years happened since the day i first met him . . (da mcm how i met ur mother plak, LOL) . . i met him at MIMET where i continued my study in Diploma . . that time . , i already have a bf . . never though i would left him for another guy . . . but i not regretting this because he is now the most person i love in this world  . .

he is from Sik, Kedah . . first born child from 3 siblings of loving family . . and easy going person . . always make my day happy . . a 'mamat motor' as he love motorcycle a lot . . (sometime i feel jealous to his bike , hehehe . . ) n the reason i met him is also because of motorcycle . . at my many first day at MIMET . . i really need a transport to bought food n also to release boredom with my roomate, Miza . . she is the one who borrowed motorcycle from Mr. Tupai . . n i would became her driver . . since that day . . i'm friend with him . .

i can described him as a thin man and appropriate height with a calm face . . whereas i am a chubby girl and shorter than him . . he is the quite person while i am talker person . . we r a couple with difference physical but still completed each other . . he always protects me and would not let me get in troubles . . he always guide the right thing for me and help me accomplished task . . he would not take any advantages from me but he would offer me different approaches . .

recently . . , after my industrial training . . i've been offered a job from a shipping company . . it was him that recommend me to his bosses . . and i now i in the same department and in the same office with him . . no more long distance relationship and i hope we could be together forever till Jannah . . amin . .

to my Mr. Tupai Mucuxs . . i luv u every single day and nothing would take my love from u . .  :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My 1st day for everything

Hari ni 1st day aku bngun awal after 1 month bngun lmbat . . . hahaha . . sbabnye aku da dpat keje at @#$%, KL . . arini 1st day aku bekerja . . huaa . . !! sngat neves . . xtau perception dorg kat aku . . argh..! xkesah la . . yg pnting aku keje . . since da dpat keje ni . . kne la stay at my aunt's house kt BTHO . . hehehe . . guess what . . very close to Mr. Tupai's house . . in fact . , same office with him . . hehehe . . sngat awkward nk pnggil Mr. Tupai dgn nma . . takut terpnggil abg plak . . hohoho . . officemate dont need to know i couple ngn dye . . this is private . . btw . . tech supp pn da warning aku jgn bercinta dgn bdak office mse time interview aritu . . hahaha . . bole wat drama baru ni . . "Sebenarnya Saya Awek Dia" . . xkesah la ape pon . . jnji work n relationship xboleh mix up together . .

memandangkan aku newbie lg at area KL ni . . aku takut nk bwak transport sndri . . lagi pn aku ade lesen moto je . . kt KL ni lju dorg bwak . . takut nyah . . hahaha . . da la aku tatau jln . . bole sesat smpi thun dpn ni . . hahaha . .  so kne la naik LRT . . xmo la nyusahkan my aunt . . dia pn nk g keje jgak . . so i ask she to drop me at LRT centre je . . she said "pndai ke ko nk naik LRT . . ??" . . hahaha . . aku ngaku mmg aku xpenah naik natang tu . . tp aku kna berdikari . . hahaha . . jakun giler naik natang ni . . da la laju n tnggi . . aku rse cm nk nangis je mse naik LRT . . sbab aku gayat . . hahaha . . aku pegang kuat holder besi tu . . mcm nk tercabut da . .

1st day keje kna ujan . . sejuk wey . . aku xde payung . . so aku tumpang lalu bwah celah2 payung org . . hahaha . . then kna tnggu Mr. Tupai plak . . cian dia kna ujan . . terharu aku tngok dia . . klau bole aku xmo dia susa2 g keje . . aku nk dia dok uma je . . hahaha . . amboi . . mcm kaya je aku . .

dlm ofis ni sume wat keje sndri . . aku je yg xde keje . . dduk on9 je . . tu yg bole tulis blog ni . . hahahaha . . aku dduk senyap je . . ckap pn skit2 je . . takut la . . hurmmm . . t klau aku da biasa aku brckp la ngn dorg . . lunch pn aku xkua . . xde selera la . . pagi td mse mndi aku da muntah2 . . haha . . morning sickness . . neves sngt la tu . . blik keje bru la rsa lpar gile . . da la ujan . . nk mkn kt uma mmg xde pape la . . xkn nk minum je . . hurmm . . merayap la g mcd . . nsib baik dkat je ngn uma . . xyah pkai helmet n bole . . lpas mkn seketul spicy fried chcken . . aku g mnd . . hahaha . .1st time jgak mkn mcd x abis . . sbb da ngntuk sngt . . Mr. Tupai pn aku xmsej . . sbab da trtdo . . hehehe . .

so the moral of this day is everything has first time n there is first time for everything . . dont be afraid klau ad challenges . . face it with smart style . . hahaha . . ape aku merepek entah . .

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Luahan Sedih Kekasih

janganlah sesekali mengucapkan selamat tinggal . . ,
jika masih juga mencuba untuk mengatakan . . ,
jangan sesekali menyerah . . .

jika merasa sanggup . . ,
jangan sesekali mengatakan . . ,
kamu tidak mencintai lagi . . .

jika masih tidak dapat melupakan . . ,
apa yang harus ku lakukan . . ,
jika sekarang aku dalam kegelapan . . .

this meant . . when u love somebody very much . . it is not easy to let dat person go . . although u say gud bye to him/her . . apart of u still crushing inside to never let dat person go even thought dat person hurting u very much . . u will still remembering the bittersweet moment with dat person . . dream of her/him . . seeing her/him smiling all around u . . the places u ever been with him/her . . i guess the first time from the time of u breaking up with someone is the most hurting time . . it may take long time to recover . . but how long . . ? dat i don't know . .

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fear No More

Fear no more the heat or the sun . . 
Nor the furious winter's rages . . 
Though this worldly task has done . . 

Fear no more the frown of the great . .
Though art past the tyrant's stroke . .
Care no more to clothe and eat . .
To thee the reed is as the oak . .

Fear no more the lightning-flash . .
Nor the all-dread thunder-stone . .
Fear not slander . , censure rash . .
Though has finished joy and moan . .
All lovers young . , all lovers must . .
Consign to thee . , and come to dust . .

And . , therefore . , take the present time
With a hey . , and a ho . , and a hey meow . ,
For love is crown`d with the prime . .
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time . ,
When birds do sing . , hey ding a ding . , ding . .
Sweet lovers love the spring . .