
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mr. Tupai Mucuxs

this story is almost 3 years happened since the day i first met him . . (da mcm how i met ur mother plak, LOL) . . i met him at MIMET where i continued my study in Diploma . . that time . , i already have a bf . . never though i would left him for another guy . . . but i not regretting this because he is now the most person i love in this world  . .

he is from Sik, Kedah . . first born child from 3 siblings of loving family . . and easy going person . . always make my day happy . . a 'mamat motor' as he love motorcycle a lot . . (sometime i feel jealous to his bike , hehehe . . ) n the reason i met him is also because of motorcycle . . at my many first day at MIMET . . i really need a transport to bought food n also to release boredom with my roomate, Miza . . she is the one who borrowed motorcycle from Mr. Tupai . . n i would became her driver . . since that day . . i'm friend with him . .

i can described him as a thin man and appropriate height with a calm face . . whereas i am a chubby girl and shorter than him . . he is the quite person while i am talker person . . we r a couple with difference physical but still completed each other . . he always protects me and would not let me get in troubles . . he always guide the right thing for me and help me accomplished task . . he would not take any advantages from me but he would offer me different approaches . .

recently . . , after my industrial training . . i've been offered a job from a shipping company . . it was him that recommend me to his bosses . . and i now i in the same department and in the same office with him . . no more long distance relationship and i hope we could be together forever till Jannah . . amin . .

to my Mr. Tupai Mucuxs . . i luv u every single day and nothing would take my love from u . .  :)

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