
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mr. Tupai Mucuxs

this story is almost 3 years happened since the day i first met him . . (da mcm how i met ur mother plak, LOL) . . i met him at MIMET where i continued my study in Diploma . . that time . , i already have a bf . . never though i would left him for another guy . . . but i not regretting this because he is now the most person i love in this world  . .

he is from Sik, Kedah . . first born child from 3 siblings of loving family . . and easy going person . . always make my day happy . . a 'mamat motor' as he love motorcycle a lot . . (sometime i feel jealous to his bike , hehehe . . ) n the reason i met him is also because of motorcycle . . at my many first day at MIMET . . i really need a transport to bought food n also to release boredom with my roomate, Miza . . she is the one who borrowed motorcycle from Mr. Tupai . . n i would became her driver . . since that day . . i'm friend with him . .

i can described him as a thin man and appropriate height with a calm face . . whereas i am a chubby girl and shorter than him . . he is the quite person while i am talker person . . we r a couple with difference physical but still completed each other . . he always protects me and would not let me get in troubles . . he always guide the right thing for me and help me accomplished task . . he would not take any advantages from me but he would offer me different approaches . .

recently . . , after my industrial training . . i've been offered a job from a shipping company . . it was him that recommend me to his bosses . . and i now i in the same department and in the same office with him . . no more long distance relationship and i hope we could be together forever till Jannah . . amin . .

to my Mr. Tupai Mucuxs . . i luv u every single day and nothing would take my love from u . .  :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My 1st day for everything

Hari ni 1st day aku bngun awal after 1 month bngun lmbat . . . hahaha . . sbabnye aku da dpat keje at @#$%, KL . . arini 1st day aku bekerja . . huaa . . !! sngat neves . . xtau perception dorg kat aku . . argh..! xkesah la . . yg pnting aku keje . . since da dpat keje ni . . kne la stay at my aunt's house kt BTHO . . hehehe . . guess what . . very close to Mr. Tupai's house . . in fact . , same office with him . . hehehe . . sngat awkward nk pnggil Mr. Tupai dgn nma . . takut terpnggil abg plak . . hohoho . . officemate dont need to know i couple ngn dye . . this is private . . btw . . tech supp pn da warning aku jgn bercinta dgn bdak office mse time interview aritu . . hahaha . . bole wat drama baru ni . . "Sebenarnya Saya Awek Dia" . . xkesah la ape pon . . jnji work n relationship xboleh mix up together . .

memandangkan aku newbie lg at area KL ni . . aku takut nk bwak transport sndri . . lagi pn aku ade lesen moto je . . kt KL ni lju dorg bwak . . takut nyah . . hahaha . . da la aku tatau jln . . bole sesat smpi thun dpn ni . . hahaha . .  so kne la naik LRT . . xmo la nyusahkan my aunt . . dia pn nk g keje jgak . . so i ask she to drop me at LRT centre je . . she said "pndai ke ko nk naik LRT . . ??" . . hahaha . . aku ngaku mmg aku xpenah naik natang tu . . tp aku kna berdikari . . hahaha . . jakun giler naik natang ni . . da la laju n tnggi . . aku rse cm nk nangis je mse naik LRT . . sbab aku gayat . . hahaha . . aku pegang kuat holder besi tu . . mcm nk tercabut da . .

1st day keje kna ujan . . sejuk wey . . aku xde payung . . so aku tumpang lalu bwah celah2 payung org . . hahaha . . then kna tnggu Mr. Tupai plak . . cian dia kna ujan . . terharu aku tngok dia . . klau bole aku xmo dia susa2 g keje . . aku nk dia dok uma je . . hahaha . . amboi . . mcm kaya je aku . .

dlm ofis ni sume wat keje sndri . . aku je yg xde keje . . dduk on9 je . . tu yg bole tulis blog ni . . hahahaha . . aku dduk senyap je . . ckap pn skit2 je . . takut la . . hurmmm . . t klau aku da biasa aku brckp la ngn dorg . . lunch pn aku xkua . . xde selera la . . pagi td mse mndi aku da muntah2 . . haha . . morning sickness . . neves sngt la tu . . blik keje bru la rsa lpar gile . . da la ujan . . nk mkn kt uma mmg xde pape la . . xkn nk minum je . . hurmm . . merayap la g mcd . . nsib baik dkat je ngn uma . . xyah pkai helmet n bole . . lpas mkn seketul spicy fried chcken . . aku g mnd . . hahaha . .1st time jgak mkn mcd x abis . . sbb da ngntuk sngt . . Mr. Tupai pn aku xmsej . . sbab da trtdo . . hehehe . .

so the moral of this day is everything has first time n there is first time for everything . . dont be afraid klau ad challenges . . face it with smart style . . hahaha . . ape aku merepek entah . .

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Luahan Sedih Kekasih

janganlah sesekali mengucapkan selamat tinggal . . ,
jika masih juga mencuba untuk mengatakan . . ,
jangan sesekali menyerah . . .

jika merasa sanggup . . ,
jangan sesekali mengatakan . . ,
kamu tidak mencintai lagi . . .

jika masih tidak dapat melupakan . . ,
apa yang harus ku lakukan . . ,
jika sekarang aku dalam kegelapan . . .

this meant . . when u love somebody very much . . it is not easy to let dat person go . . although u say gud bye to him/her . . apart of u still crushing inside to never let dat person go even thought dat person hurting u very much . . u will still remembering the bittersweet moment with dat person . . dream of her/him . . seeing her/him smiling all around u . . the places u ever been with him/her . . i guess the first time from the time of u breaking up with someone is the most hurting time . . it may take long time to recover . . but how long . . ? dat i don't know . .

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fear No More

Fear no more the heat or the sun . . 
Nor the furious winter's rages . . 
Though this worldly task has done . . 

Fear no more the frown of the great . .
Though art past the tyrant's stroke . .
Care no more to clothe and eat . .
To thee the reed is as the oak . .

Fear no more the lightning-flash . .
Nor the all-dread thunder-stone . .
Fear not slander . , censure rash . .
Though has finished joy and moan . .
All lovers young . , all lovers must . .
Consign to thee . , and come to dust . .

And . , therefore . , take the present time
With a hey . , and a ho . , and a hey meow . ,
For love is crown`d with the prime . .
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time . ,
When birds do sing . , hey ding a ding . , ding . .
Sweet lovers love the spring . .

this is the time . . .

i'm walking in shadows . .
i cannot see faces, they smile when i fall or flee . .
doors without windows all shuttered tight again . .
my heart, it is pounding, my ears they ring . .
i just might pass this way . . again . .
locked in a room . .
my blood is a flowing fast . .
i'm not getting satisfied until i've seen everything in this world . .
i wanna feel everyone's feeling . .
i wanna do every fool, crazy yet dumbest act/thing in my life just to know this life is meant for what it is supposed to be . .
i wanna fall in love n finish my whole life with whom loved me for who i am . .
n i get nothing to loose . .
by listen to my heart . .

Monday, October 14, 2013

Slow Down - Selena Gomez


yeah . . luv dis song . . party all night . . hahaha . . lolz . . ^_^

Teladan Gunting Rambut . .

tadi smbil tengok citer twilight breaking dawn part 2 . , saje la tgn ni dok pintal2 rmbut . . tiba2 terfikir nk gunting rambut plak . . aku pn ape lagi . . terus capai gunting . , potong rmbut kt dpn laptop trus . . hahahaha . . giler kan . . aku mmg cmtu . . smpai angin x btul terus buat giler . . hahaha . . x pikir ape pn . .

bila da siap gunting . . aku tengok cntek plak rambut aku . . hehehe . . perasan . . aku wat style short haircut with long side bangs . . tp yg xbez bila aku da cuci n keringkn rambut aku tu jd keriting plak . . hohoho . . aku lupe yg rmbut aku ni mmg natural keriting dari dlu lg . . hahaha . . mase ak bdak2 . , mak aku selalu ckp rmbut ak mcm mee maggie . . kenyal . .  >_<"

so . , bila korg nk gunting rmbut tu . . pkir la dlu condition rmbut korg tu mcm mne selepas gunting . . jgn jadi mcm aku . . mcm koboi . . terus wat decision . . hahahaha . . tp aku xnyesal pon . . sbab nmpk cute . . aceceh . . hehehe . . n korg jgn takut nk try style baru . . peduli org nk ckap ape . . this is us . . !!! hahaha . . yakin pada diri sndri . . tp klau mengarut sangat tu jgn la wat . . kesian plak kt korg karang . . peace yaw . . ^_^

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

True Love - Pink

Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say,
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face.
There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down,
I know life would suck without you.

At the same time I wanna hug you,
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck.
You're an ******* but I love you, and you make me so mad I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go?
You're the only love I've ever known, but I hate you, I really hate you, so much I think it must be...

True love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like true love
True love, it must be true love
No one else can break my heart like you

Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings
Just once please try no to be so mean
Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E
Come on I'll say it slowly (Romance)
You can do it babe

Why do you rub me up the wrong way
Why do you say the things that you say
Sometimes I wonder how we ever came to be
But without you I'm incomplete

I think it must true love true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like true love
True love, it must be true love
No one else can break my heart like you, like you

Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift

All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.
And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles in your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel right

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

And all my walls stood tall painted blue
And I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you

And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,
Taking flight, making me feel right

Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind

Sunday, September 15, 2013

just nothing . . .

setiap titisan air mata yang jatuh melambangkan kerinduan yang amat sangat . . .

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Mom's Asam Pedas Ikan Pari . .

Assalamualaikum n greeting y'all . .

mmmm . . my mom's asam pedas ikn pari . . hmm . . yummy . . !! teringin gler nk mkn skang ni . . mse blik kg aritu xsmpat nk mnta ibu msakkn . . bz brhari raya . . kehkeh . .

haa . . ni nk cter ckit psal my mom pnye asam pedas . . dye pnye kuah awesome gua ckp lu . . i like the spiciness very much . . then my mom would use the freshness fish she can get at the market . . ni la tip nk msak sdap. . kna gna bhan fresh . .once tu . . my mom used ikn smbilang yg da lame . . kira x fresh la . . sbab tu je ikn smbilang yg bole mom jmpe kt psar . . then bla da siap msak . . rse ikn tu yg pling xbole bla . . xsdap btul . . tp i mkn je . . mkn dgn a lot of kuah . . hehehe . . xbole nk resist asam pedas tu . . lg pn ni asam pedas yg len dr yg lain sbab ni resepi campuran johor n jawa . . yup . . i'am jawarian . . hikhik . .

ok la . . nk share resepi asam pedas my mom . . tp i xde gmbar asam pedas tu . . sbab i still tnggal kt hostel mse i update post ni . . hmmm . . xpela . . share gmbar yg nmpk same ngn asam pedas my mom jela . . hikhik . . ibu . . akak post resepi ibu ea . . winkwink . .   (>_^)

Asam Pedas Ikan Pari Ibu (Johor + Jawa)

  • 3 or 4 biji bawang kecil*
  • 2 ulas bawang putih*
  • 1 inci halia*
  • 1 inci kunyit hidup (xmain la serbuk kunyit . . hehehe . . )*
  • 1 sk lada hitam*
  • 1 sk garam*
  • 3 senduk cili giling / cili boh
  • 1/4 cwn air asam jawa
  • daun kesum 1 tangkai
  • 1 biji tomato (dipotong 2)
  • bendi ( additional n boleh guna terung . . yup . . terung . . ^_^  )
  • 1kg ikan pari ( boleh guna mcm2 jenis ikan yg korg suke . . etc ; ikn smbilang , ikn duri , ikn kembung . . . . . . .  )
 *tumbuk bahan mnggunakan lesung batu . . klau mlas gunalah blender . . tp lg ori klau ditumbuk . . :)
  1. Basuh ikan pari sebersih-bersihnya . . pastu rendam dalam air garam n asam jawa . . ni utk xmau ad bau hanyir t bila da siap msak . . Rendam dlm 5 mnit . . jgn lama sngat . .t rse mnis ikan xde . . pastu toskan . .
  2. Tumis bahan yang ditumbuk dlm mnyak pnas shingga wangi or garing . . msukkn 3 senduk cili giling . . tumis hingga betul2 garing n kering . . tmbah mnyak klau kurang . . 
  3. Msukkan ikan pari . . kacau rata . . pastu msukkn air secukupnya sehingga ikan tu tenggelam . . jgn byk sngat . . nnti cair plak asam pedas kita tu . . hikhik . .
  4. Kecikkan api . . kacau perlahan2 . . kita xmau ikan tu hancur plak . .
  5. Tnggu sehingga mendidih . . baru msukkan air asam jawa . . kacau rata n  msukkan tomato . , bendi or terung . , n daun kesum . . rse msam n msin . . klau kurg boleh tmbah ap yg ptut . . n boleh jgak klau nk tmbah gula n wak aji sedikit . . :)
  6. Tnggu sehingga bendi or terung msak . , bru ttup api . . tdung periuk jgn ttup rapat k . . :)

Haaa . . kepekatan asam pedas ni sbnanye depend pd amount asam jawa , cili boh , air n cara renehan . . klau ikutkn byk org msak asam pedas cair mybe dsebabkan faktor2 ni kot . . hikhik . . my mom ckap la . . i follow je . .

Mkn pnas2 dgn nasi pnas . . sure berlinang air mata n air peluh . . kehkeh . .selamat mencuba . . (^_<)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

KSSU 2013

assalamualaikum :)

from 26-30 august . , i've joined KSSU in futsal game . . what is KSSU . . ? KSSU stands for Karnival Sukan Siswa UNIKL . . haa . . ni 1st time join KSSU . . sblum2 ni xdpat nk join sbab ad hal2 berbangkit  . . hehehe . . so bila dpat chance join . . pnye la suke . . hehehe . .

yg beznye join KSSU ni cbab dpat knal ngn members from others campus . . n dorg pnye sport spirits are very high . . n till today . , i still feel the adrenaline rush in veins . . hehehe . . semangat tngok dorg lawan . . for our game . , futsal . . wlupn xmenang . . its make us altogether . . like a family . . hmm . . miss dat time when everybody supported each other mse klah penalti at suku akhir . .

so bila da klah . . ktorg still dtg ke UKM (where the event are held) . . supporting other team . . usha mamat tough n main volley pantai . . haa . . yg tu pling bez . . main volley pntai mcm org gler . . klah org yg nk lwan . . hahaha . . our team bole main mcm2 game . . netball . , basketball n volley . . probably even ragbi pn ktorg bole main . . hehehe . . we're not the girlie girls . . hehehe . . xkesah muke burn . . n talk everything without boundaries . . tu yg bhaye ckit . . couch ktorg pn byk kli geleng kpale tngok prangai ktorg . . hehehe . .

ni la tema futsal UNIKL MIMET . . i'm so proud with dis team . .  :)

breakfast before game . . hehehe . . no wonder la lari slow . . mkn byk . . hehehe . .

me with Piqa Lee . . snggup dtg sndri utk join game ni . .

brgmbar dgn medal pnjam . . btw . . congtrate football team UNIKL MIMET . .

from right is me . , Piqa Lee n Zulaika Eyka . . :)

haa . . yg ni before gerak g bangi . . excited sngt dorg ni . . :)

supporting other team . . gler2 . . haha . .  :)

jersey baru . . mine no 10 . .  ^_^

nmpk ketembaman pipi msing2 . . hahaha . .

bab mkn sume suke . .

lepaking . .  :) usha mamat tough . . wooo . .

prctice kjap . . letih cbab excited sngt . . kehkehkeh . .

yeah . . !!! we rules . . !!!

ni la couch ktorg . . amy sailang . . dye pling ske sailang org . . kehkeh . .  :)

nk share video tp tatau nk tekan ap . . hehehe . . mklum . . sy newbie dlm blogging ni . . hikhik . . cer klik montage video for KSSU 2013 ni . . :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Miss Him

Even as I sit here by the beach . , the water touches my feet and I remember how you made me smile the first time . Come back soon , I miss you like roses miss the sunshine . . :'(

Saturday, August 24, 2013

For him . . ^_^

I get jealous , I get mad , I get worried , I get curious . But that's only because I love you so much and I don't want to lose you . .
I may not be your entire world , but I hope I'm your favorite part of it . . . .
p/s ; if I could pick a moment out of all I have lived and always keep it new , I'd pick the moment when I first met you . .

Breathtaking places around the world.. :)

Subhanallah . . cantik sngguh tmpt2 ni . . klau ad rezeki . , tringin nk pergi . . insyaallah.. :)
so peeps . , enjoy the pictures of dis amazingly beautiful places . .

Chittorgarh Fort, India

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1)
Dis is the largest port in India n known as Chittor. Kawasan kubu yg bersejarah ni melingkumi beberapa istana cantik yg bersejarah, pintu pagar yg gah , kuil dan dua menara tnggi. kawasan ini dah byk memberi aspirasi kpd pnulis buku dan filem . .

Cinque Terre, Rio Maggiore, Italy

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

Cinque Terre terletak di rantau Liguria, Itali . "The Five Lands" terdiri daripada 5 buah kampung ; Monterosso al Mare , Vernazza , Corniglia , Manarola dan Riomaggiore . Kawasan-kawasan ini merupakan Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO . .

Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1)

Terletak di Southeast of Glen Brittle Forest . Air terjun ini merupakan apart of stream running off the Cuilin Mountains , penuh dengan kolam yg jernih . . It's best to visit on the day after a small rain shower . Dengan cara ini, paras air tidak terlalu tnggi n permukaan air tidak mencerminkan terlalu byk cahaya . .

Glow Worm Cave, New Zealand

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

The Waitomo Glowworm Caves attraction is a cave at Waitomo on the North Island of New Zealand, known for its population of glowworms, Arachnocampa luminosa. Spesis ini hanya boleh ditemui di New Zealan sahaja . . cantek kan . . ? mcm bintng kat langit . . :)

Pamukkale, Turkey

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

Pamukkale, yang bermaksud "istana kapas" dalam bahasa Turki merupakan tapak semula jadi di Denizli Wilayah di barat daya Turki . Bandar ini mengandungi air panas dan travertines, teres mineral karbonat yang ditinggalkan oleh air yang mengalir . .

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

Istana yg mcm dlm cter fairy tale ni sbnanye btul2 wujud . Istana Neuschwanstein yg trletak di Jerman merupakan istana kebangkitan Roman semasa abad ke 19 . Istana yg terletak diatas bukit di perkampungan Hohenschwangau merupakan istana perlindungan peribadi kepada raja tetapi kemudiannya telah dibuka kepada umum untuk dilawat .

Venice, Italy

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

Terdiri daripada 118 pulau2 kecil yg terpisah oleh terusan dan berhubung menerusi jmbatan2 kecil . Venice terkenal dengan keindahan persekitarannya , seni bina dan karya seni . Bandar ini disenaraikan sebagai Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO .

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

Tapak nasional negara di USA yg trletak di Wyoming sering kali mnjadi tapak perfileman ini . Dis park is  known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular features in the park . . Orang asli Amerika juga telah tinggal di kawasan Yellowstone untuk sekurang-kurangnya 11,000 tahun . .

Great Blue Hole, Belize

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

This is the large submarine sinkhole off the coast of Belize . . terletak berhampiran dengan Lighthouse Reef , pulau yg berkeluasan 70km . . lubang bulat ini berkedalaman 124m dan berkeluasan 300m terbentuk lebih berbelas ribu tahun lalu apabila paras laut lebih rendah . .

Panjin Red Beach, China

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 1) 

Red Sea Beach yang terletak di Dawa Country , Panjin , China terkenal kerana landskap rumput merah spesis Sueda . Landskap yang terdiri daripada laut cetek adalah tanah lembap terbesar dan buluh paya di dunia . Spesis Sueda adalah salah satu spesis rumput yang boleh hidup di tanah yang beralkali tinggi .
Kitaran pertumbuhan yang bermula pada bulan April apabila ia adalah berwarna merah terang , manakala warna spesis matang berwarna merah gelap .

Hotel La Montana Magica – Huilo Chile

It might be completely artificial but the Montana Magica lodge in Chile even 'erupts' every day, sending water running down the outside of the 13-room guest house 

Jauh dipelosok Chile , tersergam Montana Magica Lodge - sebuah hotel luarbiasa yang terselindung jauh dari manusia yang terletak ditengah-tengah 300 000 ekar tanah yang dilindungi . .

Nottingham Castle

The 100 Most Beautiful and Breathtaking Places in the World in Pictures (part 2) 

Istana yang terletak di Nottingham , England ini dikenali sebagai 'Istana Batu' , dengan tebing setinggi 40m . Pada zaman pertengahan ia merupakan kubu diraja utama dan kediaman diraja sekali-sekala . Merosot pada abad ke-16 , sebahagian besarnya dirobohkan pada tahun 1649 , tetapi serpihan kekal mencukupi untuk memberi gambaran susun atur ini . Sebuah rumah agam duke kemudian menduduki puncak tanjung ini . Kemudiannya telah dibakar oleh penunjuk perasaan pada tahun 1831 , dan kemudiannya disesuaikan sebagai sebuah galeri seni dan muzium, yang masih digunakan hari ini .

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kek Coklat Hershey's . . :)

i love baking . . !! hehehe . . so utk post kli ni nk share resepi hershey's perfectly chocolate cake . . kek ni pnuh ngan rse coklat . . mmg terase gile la coklat tu . .hehehe . . kek ni snang je nk buat . . sesuai utk beginner baker mcm sy . . hehehe . .  >_<"

Perfectly Chocolate Cake

prepare dlu bahan2nye . .

  • 2 cwn gula halus (bleh gna 1 1/2 cwn klau xnak mnis)
  • 3/4 cwn serbuk koko Hershey's
  • 1 1/2 sk baking soda
  • 2 bji tlur
  • 1/2 cwn mnyak syur (gna mnyak msak pn bole . . ^_^)
  • 1 cwn air pnas
  • 1 3/4 cwn all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 sk baking powder
  • 1 sk garam
  • 1 cwn susu
  • 2 sk esen vanilla

mula2 kna bce bismillah dlu pd yg muslim . . ^_^  bru bole pegi ke step membaking ni. . hehehe . .

  1. pnaskn oven ke suhu 350°F . . pastu griskan 2 loyang bulat berukuran 9 inci (ni utk jdkan kek tu 2 layer)
  2. ayakkan tepung, srbuk koko, baking powder, baking soda n garam ke dlm mngkuk besar . . step ni kna wat klau nk kek tu smooth cbab mengayak bole asingkn ketul2 tpung . . ^_^
  3. msukkn gula, telur, susu, myak syur n esen vanilla . . putar mnggunakn mixer dgn speed min ke speed medium slma 2 mnit . . tuangkan adunan ke dlm loyang . . hmm . . yummy . . ^_^
  4. bkar dlm oven slama 30 hingga 35 mnit . . or untill wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean . . :) kmudian sjukkn kek kt atas redai kek slma 10 mnit . . pastu bole la siramkan dgn coklat frosting . .
  5. klau yg wat 2 layer tu bole ltak frosting ni in between the cake . .

utk coklat frosting gna bhn2 ni plak . .

  • 1/2 cwn butter / margarine
  • 2/3 cwn serbuk koko Hershey
  • 3 cwn gula halus
  • 1/3 cwn susu
  • 1 sk esen vanilla
cairkn butter dlm periuk kecil ngan mnggunakan api kecil . . msukkn srbuk koko . . bila da rata tu, msukkan gula halus n susu . . kacau hingga rata . . jgn tinggalkan plak kat atas dpur tu . . hehehe . . bole tmbah susu klau bater tu pekat . . hmm . . its up to u . . :) last skali msukkn esen vanilla . . frosting ni bole dpat 2 cwn . . bole mkn ngan roti or aiskrim klau ad lbih . . hehehe . .

nnti korg try la recipe ni klau ad freetime . . hope korg pnye kek mnjadi la . . ^_^
sala silap mntak ampun yer.. :)

newbie.. ^_^

salam y'all. . ni 1st time tlis blog so mna2 ad sala silap mntak ampun ea. . hehe. .  ^_^
so starting ni, let me introduce myself. . my name is umira. . n dats it. , no full name here. . hehe. . i'm from Muar, Johor but stay kat Lumut, Perak sbab study kt cni. . umur 21 thun. . n obviously i'm female. . hehe. .  ^_^
i hope y'all can enjoy my blog wlupn blog ni xseberapa mcm blog2 femes ames yg len tu. . hehehe. . ok la. . adios amigos korg. .  ^_^